“If we are passionate, determined, and not afraid of hard work, we can truly make a difference. The chimpanzees…need us all if they are to survive…” ~Jane Goodall

did you know?

1) Chimpanzees are extinct in 4 African countries and threatened in 10 more. Learn why & what you can do.

2) Chimpanzees are surprisingly like us! They are highly intelligent, use tools and feel emotions like joy, sadness and anger. Read more about how similar we are to these amazing animals!

3) Chimpanzees and other Great Apes are severely threatened by many of the products we use every single day! Find out why and how you can use your smart phone to help them.

Volunteer & Visit

If you want to get more involved and learn first-hand what it takes to care for chimpanzees that have been rescued from the illegal wildlife trade, entertainment or biomedical research you can visit, volunteer or support these sanctuaries around the world.

Chimpanzee Sanctuaries in the United States & canada

  1. Center for Great Apes - Florida - Chimpanzees and Orangutans

  2. Chimps, Inc. - Oregon - Seven Chimpanzees and two lynx

  3. Chimp Haven - Louisiana - 230 chimpanzees retired from biomedical research

  4. Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest - Washington - Seven chimpanzees, not open to the public

  5. FAUNA - Canada - 23 chimpanzees rescued from zoos and biomedical research

  6. Primate Rescue Center - Kentucky - Chimpanzees and monkeys rescued from illegal primate trade

  7. Save the Chimps - Florida - 242 chimpanzees rescued from biomedical research, entertainment and pet trade

chimpanzee sanctuaries in Africa

  1. Ape Action Africa - Cameroon

  2. Chimp Eden - South Africa

  3. Chimfunshi - Zambia

  4. Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Trust - Gambia

  5. J.A.C.K. Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Republic of Congo

  6. Limbe Wildlife Center - Cameroon

  7. Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Uganda

  8. Project Primates - Guinea

  9. Sanaga - Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center - Cameroon

  10. Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Kenya

  11. Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Sierra Leone

  12. Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center - Republic of Congo

All Things Chimps

If you’d like to do a deeper dive, the ChimpSaver blog is your one-stop shop for all things chimps. We’re always updating and adding new information that makes it easy for you to take action.

Video Gallery

We have videos across the site and on the blog but you are also welcome to visit our Video Gallery where we gather our favorites across multiple topics.

great organizations

Click on any of the logos below to visit their website and learn more.